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Cave of Presepe

The Cave of the Presepe is characterized by wonderful limestone sculptures; with stalactite formations of exceptional beauty, which seem to recall the features of the Nativity (hence the name).The…

Cave of the Tre Porte

The name "Cave of the Tre Porte" recalls the monumental entrance to 3 entrances; which seems to stand out in the sea as the passage to another world. From here…

Cave of Fiume

In this stretch of coast there are several caves to admire and of course many places to stop for a swim as the cave of FiumePassing Punta Ristola, by…

Cave of Mesciu Gianni

Passing Punta Ristola is the small cave of Mesciu Gianni, characterized by a pile of stones and debris positioned on the right wall.So, starting from Santa Maria di Leuca…

Cave of the Laghetto

The Cave of the Laghetto is about 120 meters long and has many air chambers inside.In this cave there is a swimming pool covered by incredibly fresh waters,…

Cave of the Mannute

The Cave of the Mannute is a complex of cavities that are located on the rocky wall, about 20-30 meters above the sea level.This cave is also characterized by…